SBI Virtual Currency, one of licensed exchanges in Japan, decides to delist BCH(ABC)suddenly, blaming its price decline and a lack of security because of that. interesting move. Many wonder if it's because of its close relationship with nchain and BSV — Koji Higashi (@Coin_and_Peace)
BSV Delisting Behind SBI’s Decision?
SBI’s announcement came at the time when cryptocurrency exchanges are in the process of delisting Bitcoin Cash’s forked version Bitcoin SV (BSV). A social media movement against the BSV creator, Dr. Craig S Wright, led Binance, ShapeShift, and Blockchain to stop offering BSV-enabled services. In the meantime, Kraken conducted a public poll to understand whether or not it should also follow suit and delist BSV.
It was improbable for an exchange to delist Bitcoin Cash, however, considering the coin was already trading on leading cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, for close to two years. The Bitcoin Cash hard fork SBI referred to had taken place six months back. The BCH price and market cap had impressively recovered ever since and served no threats as mentioned in the SBI notice. That leaves the Japanese cryptocurrency community with questions like why SBI waited for six-months to delist BCH. And why did their announcement came at the time when other exchanges were delisting BSV.yup that was already known but the timing of the announcement was a bit interesting — Koji Higashi (@Coin_and_Peace)